What Is the Process of Dental Veneers?
Hi, I’m Dr Peter Poulos, your Sydney Cosmetic Dentist here at Bondi Junction in Sydney.
This morning, our new patient, Sandra from Edgecliff, came in for a smile consultation. Whilst there isn’t really anything that is bothering her with her smile, she wants to freshen up her smile. With two young kids who take up a lot of her time, she said to me, Peter, what is the process of dental porcelain veneers? Does it require a lot of time? With a young family, I don’t have a lot of time, but I would love to update my smile.
I took her through our unique dental veneers process here at Sydney Cosmetic Dentist. Once she understood that, she is very excited and now booked in for her Perfect 10™ smile upgrade.
We do get patients who often ask the same question, so I’d record this video.
The process will always start just like any other type of procedure and/or new patient when you come to Sydney Cosmetic Dentist. We will have our initial conversation.
Again, that’s our detective stage to work out how and why you presented to our surgery with your teeth being the way they are.
We will go through a thorough diagnostic phase, we will take all the relevant x-rays, scans, moulds, and photos to determine what is the correct treatment for you once we have diagnosed.
Once we’ve determined that veneers, or in our practice, our proprietary Perfect 10™ is what is ideal for you, the real process begins.
Initially, we will make sure that we’re ticking off all our boxes. We start by making sure that your existing teeth are healthy and if there are any issues such as potential root canals, nerve issues, old leaking fillings, potential implants, we will look at restoring and addressing those first.
In addition, we’ll make sure that your gums are healthy. This is ultimate priority before we start any veneer case.
The team and I make sure that your gums are in the exact situation where they are going to be healthy, stable and disease free so that they are ready to engage your beautiful new porcelain! We make sure that our final restorations are built on sound tooth and gum.
Once we’ve achieved our final tooth and gum health, customised maintenance and education, we will drill down and identify how we’re going to set up your new smile. We engage with more scans and moulds and come up with the design of what we think is going to be complimentary to your desires, personality, anatomy, supporting structures and facial symmetry.
My whole philosophy, the DR PETER POULOS VISION! is that once we diagnose you we plan and CREATE THE FINAL VISION BEFORE WE EVEN TOUCH YOUR TEETH. I literally go to work and design the final result before we start. This allows me to accurately map out the journey of predictability, that I need to you give you, your desired result!
In some cases, we will do a mock try. We have a proprietary system of doing an overlay over your existing teeth so that you can get an idea of what your smile makeover is going to look like.
In some cases, that’s not going to work, and we will go through and indicate to you whether you’re one of those candidates. If that’s the case, then we’ll present you with a digital version of your smile and we will also show you the comparisons of the before and after so that you also understand how and why your end result is going to be the way that it is.
Once we’re happy and you understand the process, then we do our preparation process begins, where we prepare your teeth. Now in social media, there’s a lot of talk about “prepless veneers”. It is my belief that even a slight preparation on your teeth still is called a preparation, and it requires meticulous planning. So whether you need slight, moderate, or more structured preparations of your teeth, ie for full coverage crowns, this will be done at your prep appointment.
At the conclusion of your preparation appointment, you will leave our surgery with our proprietary customised temporary teeth.
My handcrafted temporary teeth are simply not there just to cover your teeth whilst your final porcelain restorations are getting made. It is literally the trial run, the test drive of what we anticipate your final results should look like, and if there are any suggestions of design aspects that you want, we will trial run these with your temporary teeth.
Next is a very important stage and every one of our smile makeovers will come back two to three days after the preparations for the most important verification stage. Once your gums, lips, facial muscles have all subsided and adjusted to the new temporary position, we make our final aesthetic changes if any are needed.
Once we tick stage off, our master technicians will individually make your customised veneers.
It’s usually a two to three-week process, depending on the amount of work that’s required.
You come back, we remove your current temporaries, and we cement your individual porcelain teeth. At this point, the procedure is not done and essentially is only beginning. Again, you will come back two to three days later. We will make a final assessment once things have healed and make any slight adjustments that may be necessary. If not, we will review you again in two weeks where we will give you an occlusal splint or a night guard to make sure that your jaw adjusts to the new positions of the veneers and the smile makeover that you’ve had.
At this point, once everything’s cleared and we’ve checked all our bite markers and our aesthetic markers, the next time that we will see you will be for your pre-organised maintenance appointment.
Maintenance can be in the form of three, four, or six monthly cleans, and that’s all going to depend on the amount of work that you’ve done and, or your biology.
Essentially, once we’ve done a smile makeover treatment with me, it’s a partnership almost like a marriage. We’re in it together until the very end.
I hope this gave you more clarity on the dental veneers process with us here at Sydney Cosmetic Dentist. If dental veneers are something that you’ve been thinking about for a while, we’d love to get to know you and take you a few steps closer to your dream smile.
Simply call us on 02 9369 1236, complete the form on the website, or send us a message on social media, and we’ll be in touch to help you organise a consultation. See you in our next video!
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